Middle School
Middle School
Advisory serves as the hub of a student’s experience at Lakeside Middle School; it’s a structured, safe place where a student can connect with friends, receive academic and emotional support, and ask any type of question. The major goal of the advisory program is to help each student feel they belong and make sure they have an adult on campus they trust.
Every student is part of an advisory group of eight to 12 students with an adult advisor who serves as an advocate for their advisees. Students are placed in a new advisory group each year. This helps grow each student’s circle of friends and helps new students transition into the class. Advisory meetings take place four times a week and are a time for students to talk with their advisors and friends about serious and fun topics, play games, and receive information about upcoming events.
Advisors work with students and their families to help them navigate the school, academically, socially, and emotionally. Because advisors also teach the grade they advise, they know advisees as students. Adult advisors work together in grade-level groups to increase their understanding of and give support to individual students and the entire class.
In addition to being an advocate, advisors monitor the academic experience and personal growth of their advisees. They meet regularly with students to review comments and grades, advise families during the course sign-up process, and facilitate students’ and families’ conversations with teachers if the student is having academic difficulties or if there is some other concern.
Advisors see themselves as partners with students’ parents and guardians, and they draw on their deep experience of working with preteens and adolescents in helping families navigate the middle-school years. Advisors reach out to families at the beginning of each year; meet with them during conference week in November; and are the initial point of contact if a family has any questions or concerns.
Student Voices
Upper School
Upper School
The Upper School advisory program plays an important role in making sure that every student is personally supported and that parents and guardians feel connected to the Lakeside community. With students coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, advisory is a place where they can build and nurture connections with peers and a trusted adult who will be with them through their high-school years.
Every student is part of an advisory group of eight to 12 students, with an adult advisor who is that student’s advocate, mentor, and coach throughout their four years at Lakeside. Advisory groups meet two times a week for 20 minutes. Additionally, advisory is sometimes extended to allow students a structured opportunity to discuss important topics in their lives and globally.
Advisors play an important role in a student’s education – academically, in co-curricular programs, and in their personal growth. They meet quarterly with students to review grades and comments; guide them to make smart decisions about course selections and co-curricular commitments; and support and help them navigate academic and personal challenges. Advisors play an especially important role during freshman year, as they help students adjust to the new rules, norms, and expectations of the Upper School.
Advisors serve as a first contact for parents and guardians. They can help families locate resources in transportation, technology, financial aid, social and emotional health, translation, and other areas.