Middle School +
Middle School
Clubs are a fun way for Middle School students with similar interests to explore topics ranging from math and engineering to visual arts and languages. Clubs range in size from four to 50 students, and Lakeside faculty and staff serve as club advisors.
Clubs are based on student interest. Students who are passionate about a topic can start a club by writing a mission statement, finding other students who are interested in participating, and partnering with an adult willing to sponsor the group.
Examples of recent clubs include a Maker’s Club, Ultimate, Chess Club, GO and Tea Club, and Students Taking Action Club, in which students work together to make a positive difference at Lakeside and in the world.
Clubs meet once a week, either during lunch or after school. They may last all year or for one semester (fall or spring). At the start of each semester, families are emailed a complete list of club offerings for the semester and students can sign up for clubs of their choosing.

Student Voices +

Upper School +
Upper School
The Upper School’s thriving clubs and activities are evidence that Lakeside students are passionate (and just plain curious) about a wide range of topics. Clubs and activities give students in grades 9 – 12 opportunities to collaborate with peers on pursuits ranging from configuring an open-source Web server to mastering the rules of dodgeball.
More than 30 clubs and activities run every year. Most take place during activity period, which occurs once a week. Upper School clubs and activities are responsible for some of Lakeside’s new and classic traditions, including May Day (organized by Student Government), the GLOW dance (sponsored by GLOW), meatless Mondays (started by the Energy Team), and the annual yearbook release celebration (featuring the work of the Numidian staff).
Lakeside clubs are student-initiated and student-driven, meaning that they vary according to interests among the student body. Students sign up at the annual club fair held every September. Some of the current clubs include the AcaFellas and Bellas a capella groups, Amnesty International, Ethics Bowl, Math Team, Science Olympiad, and Ultimate.
Student activities that contribute to the mission of the school receive administrative support and funding. Examples include Chess Team, the school’s literary magazine, Imago, and affinity and alliance groups like Black Student Union (BSU), Gay, Lesbian, or Whatever (GLOW), Lakeside Asian-Pacific Students (LAPS), and Multicultural Initiators eXperiencing and Encouraging Diversity (MIxED).
Students may also receive academic credit for some activities that carry significant responsibilities. Examples include the monthly student-run newspaper, Tatler; Student Government, to which students are elected by their peers; and the Judicial Committee, in which student representatives work with faculty and an administrator to resolve incidents when students may have violated the Statement of Community Expectations.
Learn more about clubs and activities in the Upper School curriculum guide.