An Independent School • Grades 5-12

Middle School

Middle School

The Middle School main office, dining room, and library open at 7:30 a.m. for students arriving early to school. Students can catch up with friends, finish homework, and purchase a hot breakfast before the start of classes.
The Middle School runs on a three-day cycle (A, B, and C days). Every school day officially begins at 8 a.m. with advisory, where students meet in grade-level groups of eight to 10 students. Students take most academic subjects – English, history/social studies, languages, math, science, performing arts, and PE – twice an ABC rotation. Once a rotation, they have a visual art class, digital life, and a human development class. Every student eats lunch at one of two periods starting between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. 
Every day, the entire Middle School has community time. This may be more time in advisory, class meetings, or an all-school assembly, at which there are announcements; performances and speeches by students, faculty, and staff; and often special speakers.

Students in grades 5 through 7 have supervised study hall as part of their schedule; in grades 7 and 8, students receive “free” periods when they can choose to be in the library, the Brain and Learning Lab, or another supervised space on the campus. Frees give students an opportunity to practice time management skills and prepare them for the greater freedom of the Upper School.

Classes end at 3:20 p.m. but the building remains busy until the early evening, with many students engaged in adult-supervised clubs, music lessons, sports, and tutoring sessions. The after-school study hall in the library is a popular place to work on homework and quietly talk with friends. Evening activity buses depart at 6 p.m.

Students play outside before the start of the school day.

Eighth-graders emcee weekly community meetings.


Student Voices

Having choice in my schedule allows me to catch up on schoolwork or spend quality time with my friends. – Bailey B. '21

Upper School

Upper School


ith students traveling to school from around the region, Lakeside’s Upper School campus is more than a place to take classes – it’s also where students socialize with friends, take music lessons, and meet with coaches and tutors, among other activities.

Students start arriving on campus around 7:30 a.m., and are expected to sign-in electronically before the start of classes at 8:30. Pigott Memorial Library, The Paul G. Allen Athletics Center, and the dining room of the Wright Community Center (WCC) open early and close late.

The Upper School is on a rotating block schedule, with four class periods scheduled during the course of the day. Students can choose to take between five to seven classes a semester. Most students have free periods, during which they can meet with teachers or tutors, work on their own or with classmates, or just hang out. See a sample student schedule here.

Students meet in their advisory groups two times a week. The entire Upper School community gathers at assembly every Wednesday to make important announcements, celebrate accomplishments, and listen to speakers. A weekly activity period is set aside for student clubs and activities, and other community events.

Classes end at 3:10 p.m. and students usually have a short break before athletics practices, drama rehearsals, and other afternoon activities. Many students take advantage of the evening activity buses, which depart at 6 p.m.

Students can work together at Pigott Memorial Library.

Classes meet on the turf field and bleachers when the weather cooperates.